Warzone’s Call of Duty: Dizzy shows insane team wipe; bug gives player super speed

Warzone's Call of Duty Dizzy shows insane team wipe bug gives player super speed

Dizzy has again demonstrated to be a dominant force in games with his wipe attributes some have described as insane.

The gamer who rose to prominence last year showed that he has the gift to dominates each game he plays. He has, therefore, joined the list of battle royale experts.

The insanely-skilled FPS player who used to ply his trade with NRG player is one of the best Apex Legends players in the game. Having moved on to a new battle royale, he has been showing his mettle with ease.

 Dizzy was playing with xQc and Zombs when he pushed a full team on top of a roof by eliminating two players with an immaculate aim. He later tossed a Hail Mary C4 onto the roof and downed the third.

As they revive themselves, he finished them off with his Grau 5.56 after climbing a ladder hastily, and that helped him push the team to the summit. This earned him a disgusting and a well-earned team wipe.

The performance from Dizzy showed that his skills are impeccable, having taken the risk of being taken down on many occasions. He was able to pick off the entire team and left xQc with nothing else to say.

In another development, the player was given the superspeed bug due to a glitch. This gave him an insane speed. This was reminiscent of speed hacks that often plague FPS titles.

Although bugging is a bannable offense, the player posted video evidence of it. The superspeed bug began after the affected player was redeployed from a Buy Station.

As soon as the player landed, they immediately started bounding across Verdansk’s fields at lightning speed while picking up weapons and shooting targets worked as normal.

The issue is yet to be addressed by Infinity Ward on the Modern Warfare Trello board. It could be fixed in the next patch if it continues to be an issue.

Written by: Oladipupo Mojeed