KT upset DragonX in 2020 LCK Summer Split

KT upset DragonX in 2020 LCK Summer Split
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KT Rolster has stopped the winning streak of DragonX in an intense three-game series in the 2020 LCK Summer Split.

With spectacular performance on Kennen and Twisted Fate, top laner SoHwan and mid-laner Ucal won the Player of the Game awards, while legendary top laner Smeb filled in for Tusin in the support role for KT in the League of Legends series.

SoHwan dictated the first game on his Kennen pick, which was crucial from the laning phase to the end of the game. He stopped  DRX’s Doran from snowballing too much on his Camille by securing a lead in the top lane.

With both teams trading objectives, they were unable to take the Dragon Soul. However, KT got closer to the Dragon Soul point courtesy of a superior team fight comp. Chovy’s damage was not enough after making several attempts to stop KT from finishing the game.

KT finished the first game tremendously and methodically by opening the fourth week of LCK with a clear statement.

In the second game, DRX was much better because they were able to build a good composition against Varus that was left open. Varus has been the most contested pick in all regions in the ongoing split.

DRX got a huge lead through their superior objective, but couldn’t keep up the momentum due to some questionable plays by Chovy, that almost set them back. Thanks to Chovy’s teammates, who maintained their composure while carrying the game in the next team fight to draw.

In the third game,  KT did all it needed to do to get a victory, and DRX couldn’t put a stop to them. They were able to win the series because their focus was on the top side, as they succeeded in crushing Doran’s spirit on Volibear as he was unable to resist any damage during team fights.

KT completed the game with a 19-4 kill advantage after recording an ace around the mid lane.

Next on, KT’s schedule is a clash against Sandbox Gaming on Friday, July 10, at 6 am CT. A win will give them a chance to climb into the top four of the LCK Summer Split standings.