How Apex Legends player used Mobile Respawn Beacon to squash opponent

How Apex Legends player used Mobile Respawn Beacon to squash opponent

An Apex accepted a challenge from Respawn devs after challenging fans to win a match with the Mobile Respawn Beacon, and he succeeded.

How was he able to do do this? After summoning a Mobile Respawn Beacon from the skies, the player smashed their opponent to secure a win. He posted the video of his success on Sunday night.

A dev had challenged any Apex Legend player, saying he would like to see someone win a game with the respawn beacon.

During an intense battle for first place, the two remaining duos duked it out on Kings Canyon. The Mirage player using Digital Threat took the low ground to see through Caustic’s smoke and knocked down the Toxic Gasser.

The player was quickly taken out by the duos since there was only a Lifeline left. It didn’t end there.

Because of a golden knockdown shield, the Lifeline was held within an inch of her life, giving the savvy player an idea, which eventually worked.

After summoning the Mobile Respawn Beacon on top of the Lifeline, the player tried getting the victory in style, but the knocked enemy resisted initially. But they eventually allowed the win by accepting their fate to be a part of history.

They eventually earned the Apex champions’ title after the Mobile Respawn Beacon landed and squashed the Lifeline like a bug.

Many reactions have trailed the win as Apex fans and players enjoyed the style points. One such reaction came from one player, who described it as a crushing win.

Last month, the developers introduced Mobile Respawn Beacons during the Lost Treasures Collection Event. The feature has spiced things up and changed the game’s dynamics as it allows players to revive their teammates anywhere on the map.

It has now been pushed to all game mode after it initially only debuted in the limited-time Armed and Dangerous Evolved mode.

Written by: Oladipupo Mojeed