Fer’s retirement leaves FalleN remaining member of Last Dance

Nuke in CSGO

In the first months of 2022, FalleN started a project named “Last Dance” alongside three players at Imperial.

Fnx, fer, and FalleN coming together from various organizations looked promising for the aim of the project, but rumors of Fernando “fer” Alvarenga’s retirement from CS:GO may put the project in jeopardy even though it’s coming very close to its end.

Fer is yet to officially confirm his retirement but a cryptic post on social media indicates that the rumors may be true. Whenever the truth comes to the public space, there are plans for Jhonatan “JOTA” Willian to continue wherever Fer stops.

As it stands, FalleN remains the only man from the trio who won consecutive majors six years ago, active after Fnx became a coach in August 2022.

Meanwhile, it’s not all doom and gloom for the Last Dance project as two players, boltz and VINI, remain active, although they have not been able to combine with the trio of FalleN, fer, and fnx’s finest on the server.

The duo TACO and coldzera, who played with the team for project Last Dance, declined to join the team as they now play for 00 Nation.

Meanwhile, fer and FalleN’s performance at the Legends Stage during the PGL Major Antwerp 2022 was interesting; they failed to win a map on the home front as they ended the year with a disappointing display at Rio Major.

While FalleN continues to play with Imperial, it will be difficult for him to get results without fer and fnx or even record remarkable results for Imperial.

As for fer, his next step and direction are unknown. A CS:GO coaching role may be a welcomed idea, but there is also the possibility of him leaving CS:GO completely, but whatever the case is, he has left his mark on the CS:GO terrain.

Daniel Ademiju Idowu