Awesome Games Done Quick 2021 supports the Prevent Cancer Foundation with over $2.75 million

weekly esports news

Once again, the Esport community surpassed all expectations, as a total of $2,759,815.03  was raised support of the Prevent Cancer Foundation after seven days of continuous speedruns in the Awesome Games Done Quick 2021 Online.

It is no longer news that AGDQ has been raising money for the cause, as this became the eighth straight year it raised more than $1 million. Surprisingly, it surpassed the $2.5 million-goal despite the entire event being run online with some technical issues.

AGDQ lived up to expectation despite the COVID-19 restrictions as it was full of incredible moments. The event’s highlight was the first back-to-back world records to have ever been recorded at a GDQ event when over $500,000 was raised in four days, which further pushed GDQ’s lifetime donation to be over $30 million.

As if that was not enough, the total donations later climbed the $2.5 million-goal reached during the Pokémon Blue Catch ‘Em All run at the end of the event.

The goal was reached with an All Dungeons run for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. In rounding up the tournament, GDQ communications director, Kasumi “sumichu” Yogi expressed appreciation to everyone who contributed to the event’s success, adding that the GDQ team dedicated the event to Paul “TheHerald” Holmen.  This is seen as a reward for Holmen, who had helped out at GDQ events alongside gaming supplier World 9 Gaming for the past five years. Unfortunately, he died of cancer on December 3, 2020.

Speaking further, sumichu noted that the year 2020 is behind everyone, but 2021 still has its challenges that the world still has to face.

Despite the challenges, he said GDQ would continue with the community support by building on what it has achieved and continue with its mission, which is showcasing amazing talent for great causes.

Written by Oladipupo Mojeed