2021 LCK Spring Split: DWG KIA defeats down Nongshim RedForce

LOL update

DWG KIA  has ended the first week of the 2021 LCK Spring Split undefeated after recording another victory against Nongshim RedForce.

Their solo laners also carted home the MVP votes for a huge display on Sunday as they recorded a clean sweep over Nongshim RedForce.

This has put them in a good position in the tournament. Going into the League of Legend series, DWG was favourite, and they didn’t disappoint. This was based on their performance against T1 a few days ago where they showed remarkable fortitude.

Throughout the game, they turned the tide quickly by adjusting their tactics outmatching NS in all lanes, which ended up losing both games under 30-minutes.

In the series’s game, there was a hype match-up in the top lane between Rich’s Aatrox and Khan’s Gnar. Most top laners across the regions are prioritizing the two picks because they recently experienced buffs.

Khan was at its best with a display of masterful mechanics of a champion by nullifying any gank attempts from the NS squad. This was the frontline his team needed, and the champion lived up to expectation.

After winning the top lane battle, DWG increased their gold lead by putting their resources into securing the Rift Heralds. The then secured multiple tower plates with the early dragons courtesy of a superb display of macro.

With no chance left for any errors, the 2020 League of Legends world champions took all the neutral objectives in calculated fashion after dominating the game for 28-minutes. They rounded up the first game with a combined KDA of 18/5/48. Showmaker won the MVP vote on Lucian.

Since they couldn’t withstand Lucian in the first game, ND then banned out the pick in the second game.

This made DK go for Syndra, and they adapted quickly to the pick. Khan, who maintained his pick with Gnar in a matchup against Rich’s Renekton.

NS changed their tactics in the second game by producing different tactics that see them going for some early game skirmishes. Unflinching DWG soldiered on and kept coming out ahead from each one.  This eventually put the world champions ahead after achieving an item lead during the mid-game.

As NS were starved of gold continually, DWG focused more on the neutral objectives again. This made them win the teamfight after a 28-minute Baron play within eh second MVP vote going to Khan’s Gnar for causing about 80 percent of the opponent’s total damage.

Written by Oladipupo Mojeed