Viince wins season five of ESL Mobile Open Auto Chess playoffs

ESL Mobile Open Auto Chess playoffs

Vincent “Viince” Truong has emerged winner of the playoffs for Auto Chess at the ESL Mobile Open season five.

The competition began with 24 players, who played 12 matches in three days, where the top eight that will be moving on to the finals were determined.

Viince topped the leadership boards of the playoffs with 83 points. Chokegod emerged runners up with 79 points with Nova occupying the third spot with 78 points.

Silent (76), Devlus (74), Vevoo (71), Monte (70), and Zath “Zath” Zen (65) occupied the remaining top eight spots.

Meanwhile, Betyow and Dawgbun were out of the cut with 65 points that Zath scaled through with. Zath sealed the last eight after a three-way tie between him, “Betyow”, and Dawgbun due to better average placements in the playoffs.  Ziggy And Flame also finished in the top ten with 64 points respectively.

Speaking in a post-match interview after his runner-up finish, Chokegod noted that the good players scaled through the playoff. While expressing his excitement about the qualification of Joseph and Betyow, he said the duo is good people he would have loved to meet in the finals.

He added that the lobby is not weaker without both players he described as extremely good.

After the 24 qualified players for the playoffs were split into three groups of eight players, they played 12 matches in their respective groups to garner points.

In the end, the top eight players emerged from the points gathered from all groups after being tallied.

Silent top group 1 with 76 points, followed by Betyow and Zath with 65 points. Profigy came fourth with 63 points, GGnorm-59 points, JosephDAC 58, Benny-56, and Jared-26,

Viince won group two with 83 points, followed by Nova and Vevoo with 78 and 71 points, respectively. Others are Dawgbun – 65, Poutypanda7 -47 , Varanice – 47, Deepblue – 42, Kogaboss -28.

Group three was won by Chokegod with 79 points, followed by Devlus and Monte with 74 and 70 points respectively. Others in the group were Ziggy – 64, Flame – 64, Bobula – 46, Purezhun – 43, and Comburo with 28 points.

Written by: Oladipupo Mojeed