Patch 13.19 to introduce new ranked penalties to toxic LoL players – eSports 

esports games update

Riot Games has taken its punishment for toxicity by League of Legends players one notch up to reduce the problem in online video games. Over the last few years, League of Legends have recorded the worst cases of toxicity.

However, after different punishments in deterring the issues, the developers are trying a new means of preventing it in Patch 13.19. The developers are revealing a brand new way of punishing rampant in-game toxic behaviour, and they are introducing it with the next update.

The new system will see players who were deemed toxic players in their most recent games be disabled in the ranks queue till the affected player completes a couple of remedial non-ranked games with better behaviour.

Such players will have to feature in blind pick, draft pick, ARAM, or one of the rotating game modes, all these while also remaining neutral at the least or maintaining a positive stance. When these remedial non-ranked games are completed, the players will have the ranked queue unlocked.

The things listed as offences that will attract the punishment and new changes are chat penalties, intentionally feeding or griefing teammates, match leaving and AFK players.

All these were revealed in a post made on X by the LoL development team on Tuesday.

“In 13.19, we’re adding new ranked queue penalties for most offences. Offenders must play remedial games in a non-ranked queue with good behaviour. These queues include Blind Pick, Draft Pick, ARAM, and the Rotating Game Mode queue. More details to come in the 13.19 notes!” LoL development team posted on X.

Meanwhile, these aren’t foolproof, but they do indicate the right step to secure the player base and the community. League Patch 13.19 is scheduled to release next week on Wednesday, Sept. 27.

Daniel Ademiju Idowu