LEC: Rogue records another three straight win in a row

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Rogue have started their 2021 off with on a good note recording three straight victories in the first week of the League of Legends European Championship Super Weekend.

This is the second time they will be recording this feat. It is now hopeful that they will break the initial record they have set in their next outing.

They set the same record in 2020 after the introduction of the super-weekend format.

 According to pundits, it is not surprising that Rogue is making a good start. This stemmed from the style they were perfecting in 2020.

Interestingly they have remained calm despite the chaos of some of the weekend’s LEC games, by producing impressive performance in their map movements. According to pundits, it was down to their communication, which they described as one of their strongest attributes. It was seen  during the Sunday win against SK Gaming.

SK gained a three-dragon advantage earlier in the game over Rogue that never lost sight of their end goal. Rogue got back into the game by taking tower one after the other, leaving SK to look on in horror.

Their communication and tactical formation also helped their well-coordinated map rotations. With this, they quickly gained a substantial gold lead. The item advantages on Hans sama’s Kai’Sa also made them win the teamfights quickly.

Of high mention is Rogue’s Support Trymbi, who completed the weekend with a third unique pick of Rell. He gave the Iron Maiden her first game and first victory in the LEC.

Meanwhile, Twisted Fate may be banned against Larssen in the future. This is because the champion now has a 100 percent win rate with the victory against SK – a game finished with a KDA of 8/1/19 on the Card Master.

Another thing that has kept Rogue to be up there is their drafts. This has been seen as one of the strongest elements of their games.

To succeed in countering them, their LEC opponents will have to re-evaluate the ban phase, which could eventually halt their winning streak.

It is now left for Misfits Gaming to stop them from setting a new record when they square up against each other on January 29.

Written by Oladipupo Mojeed