Karmine Corp LoL coach YamatoCannon addresses the team’s winless LEC debut – eSports 

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LEC debutants Karmine Corp’s highly anticipated campaign in the competition ended in a disappointing 0-3 record in their first week.

The French powerhouse faced an unexpected setback against MAD Lions and KOI; head coach Jakob “YamatoCannon” Mebdi has revealed the dynamics of the team’s debut in the league just going into the second week of the 2024 Winter Split. 

He admitted the disappointing situation that the squad is currently in and said that the team can take advantage of the challenges to become stronger than ever by making the right adjustments to find success in the remaining games.

“We played worse today than the previous two days, but I don’t think that really matters. We need to bring forward a higher level of trust for each other and a higher level of confidence because I think that we are a lot more capable than what we’ve shown. We can choose to make this 0-3 weekend the biggest blessing that we could have possibly have gotten,” YamatoCannon said.

Obviously, the coach’s main focus is on a long-term target of securing playoff qualification and improving in terms of performance in the next few weeks.

The focus on KarmineCorp when they entered the LEC was mainly because of previous showings in the LFL and EMEA Masters, where they gave stellar performances, including last year’s Season Finals in Montpellier.

Such showings stimulated fans to look forward to when they appear in the highest league in the region, and their debut resulted in a record-breaking viewership weekend for the LEC. 

Meanwhile, the head coach pointed out that the six games left to play during the regular season are good enough for the team to become stronger from their current position. Karmine Corp’s winless start to the LEC season doesn’t faze YamatoCannon’s pragmatic approach and commitment to the team’s improvement.

Daniel Ademiju Idowu