Doublelift reviews LoL’s ADC meta – eSports

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Doublelift, in one of his latest streams, has addressed the solo queue AD carry meta in League of Legends, which has been diverse lately. Doublelift was a former pro player and is now a full-time streamer.

On Sunday, June 9, when he was playing in one of the high-elo games in the League, he chose one of the popular champions in the solo queue, Seraphine. He made a couple of mistakes in the owning phase, but he did enough to win most of the skirmishes. With the knowledge gathered, he was about to analyze and make some remarks about the role. 

Doublelift while replying to some of the comments on the same broadcast, replying one of the viewers’s comment after analyzing one of the two-versus-two fights he played, affirmed that the game is like doing everything wrong to still managed to win.

“I’m playing Smolder late-game, I’m playing Jinx late-game, like dude, I’m gonna carry, I need to carry, I’ll do everything to carry this game. And the guy who is like someone coked out in his living room, playing League on an overheating laptop on Seraphine, is just winning the game,” Doublelift said.

He continued by saying that the solo queue meta in its current state will make ranged AD-based carries in the bottom lane outplayed by mages like Seraphine. He stated that it will be difficult, no matter how hard a player tries.

Brand and Seraphine are the two best champions in the role in the role above Emerald rank with win rates of 53.18 and 52.96 while Ziggs is also listed as part of the top 10.

Meanwhile, there are hardly new Mages in the ADC meta despite being around for many years now, yet they remain very strong and so powerful to the extent that they push traditional marksmen out of their roles.