It is no longer news that former SuperMassive Esports ADC Berk “Zeitnot” Aşıkuzun has decided to hang up the mouse and keyboard from competitive League of Legends after a fulfilling career dedicated to a region ends.
Zeitnot became one of the most popular ADCs in the Turkish League of Legends region for his exploit in the region.
His retirement from the scene was announced via a tribute video released on Sunday by his former team, SuperMassive Esports.
In the 22-minute farewell video, Zeitnot’s former teammates SnowFlower, GBM, and Armut, were wishing him the best in retirement. They further described him as a huge player who has world-class gameplay known for his ever-burning competitive spirit.
Zeitnot, who never left his home region throughout his career, featured in two MSI and two World Championships. His final appearance on the ESport scene was the Worlds 2020.
He also recorded success in the region for his immense love and passion for the game. Zeitnot won several domestic titles but was not successful on the international stage.
The ADC player was part of the SuperMassive Esports roster that recorded a memorable victory against the European side, MAD Lions, during the Worlds 2020 play-in stage.
His retirement is not surprising, having hinted it on social media and streams during that time. However, most didn’t take him seriously or expected him to eventually change his mind with the upcoming competitive season.
Even his teammates were toying that line in their tribute video. They said Zeitnot could eventually change his mind because nothing in life would make him maintain the same level of competitive drive as League.
When the likes of Armut, SnowFlower, KaKAO, and Bolulu left the roster of the SuperMassive squad and pursued other opportunities in November, Zeitnot was the only player that remained, giving them an impression that they would rebuild a new squad around him being a star ADC player.
Now that the retirement has been confirmed, SuperMassive will have to start from scratch by building a new roster. This is a rare situation for a team that won the last Summer Split of the TCL.
Writen by Oladipupo Mojeed