2021 LCK Spring Split: Gen.G reverse sweeps Afreeca Freecs

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Gen.G has recorded a victory over Afreeca Freecs on Sunday through a reverse sweep.

Gen.G won week 6 of the 2021 LCK Spring Split following spectacular performances by Bdd and Ruler.

The clash was an explosive one that featured various players carrying each game. AFS opened up the series with a high-note win but failed to capitalize on their lead in the following games.

Bdd and Ruler picked up the MVP awards in the League of Legends series for their performances on Syndra and Aphelios.  In the second game, the mid laner went for Syndra, which dominated the second game’s laning phase. He later roamed to help his teammates. All thanks to his crowd control and high damage, which helped Gen.G to equalize the series.

Ruler on Aphelios in the third game won mid to late-game teamfights and secured the reverse sweep.

AFS made a huge statement in the first game of the series, with Kiin using Jayce to demolish his opponents. He did more damage than the opponent’s team combined, leaving Gen.G with no answer to a fed Jayce. He roamed around the map to secure kill after kill.

Gen.G subsequently banned Jayce in the following draft. This made Kiin pick up Gnar. He was able to win the laning phase, but Gen.G was better in the second game. Their preparation helped them stay even in kills until the late game.

Another reason for the win was Bdd’s crucial Syndra picks, which gave Gen.G an edge in the last teamfights. After losing his lane early on in the game,  which gave AFS n advantage, Rascal regained his lead towards a late game.

In the third game, it was a huge clash as both adjusted well in their drafts. AFS beat Bdd to Syndra in the third game, leaving Bdd defaulted to Azir. This made him unable to snowball as much as in the second game.

Ruler’s Aphelios was chained, having secured team fight wins for his team. Galio supported the protection of the fed Aphelios,  which made Gen.G complete the reverse sweep.

The victory helps Gen.G (9-3) maintain the second spot in the 2021 LCK Spring Split.

Written by Oladipupo Mojeed