VALORANT shutdown competitive queue over ‘No flash’ bug


In a bid to avoid exploitation, Riot Games has temporarily turned off the competitive queue in VALORANT.

There could be an exploit that can disable the flash effect for a player, effectively negating the effects of flash abilities of certain agents.

Many players have explained that the flash effect can currently be turned off via a setting in the game’s menu.

Meanwhile, numerous players have pointed out the same problem over the past day. The competitive queue will remain disabled until the exploit is fixed.

 A video post about it from Sentinels’ VALORANT player Jordan “Zellsis” Montemurro says it all. In this way, It means can completely negate the effects of any flash ability from an ally or enemy. 

This is done by going to general settings during a match on the phone. You can scroll down to the Other category and turning on “Hide User Interface In Game.”

After applying the setting, the turn-on menu would hide the entire interface, including the mini-map, the agent icons, your abilities and health, and chat. But it would also negate any flash effect.

Another interesting part of it is that it thoroughly broke the game and allowed players holding angles to be completely unblinded by flashes. 

So far, it is unknown how long players in the competitive queue have abused the exploit.

In a quick response to the attention drawn to the game-breaking bug, Riot brought down the competitive queue less than two hours after Zellsis posted. 

It is now left for Riot to find a lasting solution as soon as possible.

 As they plan to resolve the exploit, other game modes are still currently live.

As far as the fans and gamers are concerned, they hope this can be corrected soon.