Secret of the Celestials, Angels and the Spirit Brothers Part 1 – Brewmaster

An Unlikely Parentage

From his appearance, it would be easy to think that Mangix is simply a drunkard who is particularly adept at brewing and drinking, but his heritage is a most unusual one. In the DotA mod, the Brewmaster was a simple Pandaren, an anthropomorphic panda-like creature who was a mere barkeep and had secretly trained in the skills of fighting. In Dota 2, however, his origins became much more fantastical.

Born to a mother of a now unknown furred race, his father was instead a Celestial, one of the many gods that exist in Dota 2. While most of these half-bred progenies would have inherited abilities solely from one side of their family, Mangix was able to take from both. His mother gave him his appreciation and talent when it came to alcohol, along with his fighting capabilities. From his father, he received his ability to harness the elements of wind, earth and fire. This is quite unlike other Celestials, who are usually only able to control one of them, and means he can split into three beings that each represent one of these elements. However, he is usually drunk when he is able to do this and thus perhaps not fully aware of his power.



Becoming the Master

Born in the Wailing Mountains in a valley beneath the Ruined City, Mangix grew up amongst the Order of the Oyo, an ancient group that reveres the spirits and communes with them through festivals dedicated to drink. From an early age, he trained with the Order, battling and drinking with its greatest aesthetes. He showed incredible prowess for his age and worked hard until, through his dedication to drunkenness, he was given the right to challenge the Brewmaster, the leader of the Order, for his title.

Competing through drinking and fighting, it was a hard-fought battle, with both chugging kegs and trading powerful blows. The bout lasted for a total of nine nights before Mangix finally triumphed when his opponent collapsed in a stupor.

Now the leader of the sect, he then went on a journey of drunken enlightenment, like the Brewmasters before him had done. His aim was to find the answer to the ancient spiritual schism that had ailed both the physical and spiritual planes – a schism that would be resolved by thinking the single thought that would unite the planes once more.



A Journey for the Ages

He encountered many creatures on this journey but the most important were the Celestials from which his father came. The spirit brothers – Kaolin, Raijin and Xin (and presumably their fourth unknown sibling) – are family for Mangix, to the point where the Storm Spirit is even referred to as his cousin. He seems to be on friendly terms with them, especially because learning more about his ancestors may aid his mission and help him mend the divide that separates the planes.

When it comes to his mortal side though, the creatures that appreciate him most seem to be his two fellow drunkards – Rigwarl the Bristleback and Ymir the Tusk. Although these two seem to have a strong rivalry with each other, Mangix’s presence helps them put this aside and enables them to be good friends, which of course is aided by the Brewmaster’s expertly crafted booze. They regard the idea of a drunken punch-up with delight, knowing that after they’re done, another keg is waiting for them.

All in all, the Brewmaster is more than just a drunkard. He hides a powerful lineage, both from the warrior monks from which his mother came, and the Elemental being that his father was. He is readily able to utilise both in battle, working to help his people find a way to bring the planes together once more.