Riot’s Green Revolution with Ivern Green Father

Riot sent its fans into chaotic frenzy after it revealed its latest champion – the lanky, goofy and jungle beast loving, Ivern the Green Father.

While many are cautious of the costs of the skills of half-tree, half-man hero, more are excited to test Ivern in battle and see how they can pair and match him against Rift’s hundred-plus champions.

As of writing, the newest hero is still on PBE, so players can understand and utilize the Green Father better and Riot can fix any potential bugs that will arise when they add him in the hero pool.



What enamors Ivern with fans is mainly his unique skill set, which is described as a game changer by many fans across social media.

The Green Father’s group of abilities not only allows him to earn gold and experience while jungling without killing the beasts in the forests, but will also let him help gank unwary opponents lurking near the shrubberies all over the map.

His passive ability is named “Friend of the Forest”, a skill that Ivern can use to create a grove around a jungle camp. When the grove matures, the monsters inside will be freed and the Green Father will gain the gold and experience without killing his beloved forest beasts. He can free the monsters even before the grove matures, though he will receive lesser rewards.



If Ivern’s passive makes him a merciful jungler, his four other skills make him a true support ganker.

Using his first skill named Rootcaller, Ivern can shoot a rope-like root to cause damage to the enemy and enroot it where it is standing. Ivern then can use the root to dash to the enemy, and all allies who attack the opponent with basic damage will instantly get to within attacking range.

If you are speedy enough you can dodge the Rootcaller, especially if you see the direction where Ivern want to cast his long roots, but it would be hard to evade it if you cannot see the Green Father.

With his second skill, Brushmaker, Ivern became the first hero in LoL to have the ability to create brushes, where ever he wants to. Inside the brush the Green Father will be invisible, along with the allies hiding in the brushes. From there it would be easy to set ganks using Rootcaller or any stunning skills from his allies.

If Ivern can help initiate team fights, he can also help his allies escape unwanted situations by using his third ability – Triggerseed. Any ally inserted with this skill gets a shield that blows up when destroyed or gets expired and slows down and damages nearby opponents.

Alone, the Green Father probably cannot deal enough damage to kill a strong opponent, that’s why he summons his mossy, flowery stone golem friend Daisy with his ultimate ability to help him eradicate those who irritate him.

Daisy, with all those massive boulders for arms, will whack those who Ivern wanted whacked, and will toss to the air those who Ivern wanted tossed. So be careful not to cross paths with the Green Father, if you don’t want testing Daisy’s strength.



With all his gank potential, it is important to use Ivern with a champion that can deal great damage with few blows, or those who can inflict more pain while in stealth. That is why heroes like Darius and Rengar will benefit greatly paired with Ivern.

Using his brush, Ivern can hide Rengar anywhere and unleash him as a beast of chaos using the Pridestalker’s Unseen Predator skill, while with his Rootcaller can help Darius pick off wandering opponents and the Hand of Noxus then can blow the final blow with his Noxian Guillotine.



The Green Father might have been formely known as Ivern the Cruel before he became the jungle protector that he is now, and all those centuries have honed his fighting skills. He is tall, strong and wise tree, but he is still a tree.

As a grass-type hero, his leaves-and-wood frame will be weak to fire, making him prone to flame magic like Annie’s, not even mentioning the Dark Child’s blazing bear Tibbers.

Also, like most towering champs, the Green Father will be slow, making him the perfect carving piece for master swordsmen like Master Yi, whose combination of Wuju style mastery and Highlander’s speed will give him the ability to evade Ivern’s slowing techniques and the smashes of Daisy while cutting up the Ivern branch by branch.



Excited how big of a change can Ivern the Green Father be in the next few weeks? Let us know in the comments below!