The Nomads
In the days before any history was written, the people of the world were tribal. Some were savage and some were noble, but none were as reverent of the land upon which they lived than the Bear Clan. Wise druids, they spent their time seeking insights into nature’s mysteries, focusing their attention on learning more about the world around them. Nature was not blind to this devotion.
The Arch Forces of Nature themselves came to the Bear Clan, seeking the wisest and most learned of them all. Sylla stepped forward. The clan’s old seer and meter of justice, he was given the Seed and told ‘When all of the world has dimmed, when civilization has left these lands, when the world is slain and wracked by the endless deserts at the end of ages, plant the Seed’.
As the wizened druid took hold of this precious gift, he could feel his youth returning, becoming spry and spirited once more. He also felt an immense rush of knowledge flooding him, more knowledge than any of his tribe could have ever imagined existed.
A Powerful Druid
His new knowledge also came with abilities unlike which he had ever experienced. He could create an avatar for his very will, a bear companion with whom he could live and fight. Given that he and the avatar were one in spirit, he could quickly compel both to become enraged, letting them run at great speeds and attack with devastating fury.
Drawing from his Ursine will, Sylla found himself able to let out a terrifying roar, which scattered all enemies, making them run in fear of the beast within. And not only was he able to manifest aspects of the Ursine, he also found himself able to change his physical form, suiting himself better for physical combat alongside his companion.
Not all were as venerable and peaceful as the Bear Clan so this proved useful. Knowledge of the Seed and its powers spread throughout the land, leading others not so caring about the eventual death of the world to try and take it by force.
War fell upon the druids, and although wise and strong, especially with Sylla by their side, they would be inevitably overrun. Knowing that he had a greater duty than to his people, he fled with a heavy heart, leaving his home behind and instead wandered the deep forests, keeping out of sight and sound of any who would wish to take the Seed for themselves.
Millenia passed and all who knew about Sylla, his tribe and his burden, passed, leaving him and his duty forgotten to the world. Alone but for his Spirit Bear, the Lone Druid has waited all this time in exile, hoping for an eventual peace between the kingdoms at war, and patiently awaiting the death of the world, so that he may bring an end to his lifelong duty.