If you listen very closely, you can hear the vengeful spirits rejoicing and celebrating with glee, as the beasts that wickedly put them in that hollow and sorrowful astral plane has been weighed down by the game gods, and will certainly be a lot easier to handle for his future victims.
League of Legends has just released Patch 7.3, an update full of nerfs for overwhelming champions including the ever-annoying-to-play-against entities like Rengar and LeBlanc.
According to the notes released by LoL, they might have went a little overboard in making Assassin-type champions stronger, especially after the influx of feedback from the pros since the new season of regional leagues started.
“Improving Lethality for physical damage dealers was necessary for their viability long-term, but that the stat’s feeling a little too good, we’re working on pulling some of the main offenders back in line,” said in the statement.
Of all the champions to be nerfed with this new patch, it was Rengar who is bound to suffer greater than most.
His skills that make him the ultimate stalker are still there, but without the crowd control immunity from his empowered Battle Roar, he’ll be easier to kill, especially if you have the numbers on your side. Rengar will still rip you apart if you wander alone and defenseless, but now your allies can avenge your death by limiting his options to escape.
Like what the game makers said: ‘If you are really attached to spamming buttons to try and look cool, just play Riven.”
Ivern and Malzahar are the other two who got taken down a peg with this patch, since the Green Father’s Daisy and Prophet’s voidlings were weakened in 7.3.
Daisy now no longer regenerates 3% max health per second while out of combat, and her armor and magic resist got shaved from 20/60/120 to 15/40/90, making the stone golem easier to kill especially if you deal her great damage during the first clash.
Malzahar, on the other hand, will now find it hard to split-push with his four-legged minions, since the diminutive annoying insects will be slowed if they are 600 units of distance away from their master, and that slow scales too for every 100 units of distance.
Some changes are not that hard to take, like the decreased bonus attack damage on Kha’Zix’s Q and the minus-5 on Vi’s base movement speed.
But LeBlanc’s decreased damage increase per level will certainly make her less of an enticing champion for damage-dealing type of players, while Vladimir’s increased damage in his Q will convince more players to try using his hastened attack missile speed.
Got some opinions on the new patch, hit us up on the comments below!