Evil Geniuses have been a major player in Dota 2 since 2014 and are usually the first name that comes up whenever the North American Dota 2 scene is mentioned.
One of the oldest organizations in eSports, EG’s Dota 2 division was created in the same year the beta version of the game was released – 2011. They first tasted glory three years later and over the following years the team established themselves among the Dota 2 elite.
Amongst a large number of trophies won, EG also achieved the ultimate Dota 2 honour by becoming champions of The International in 2015. A 3rd place finish in 2014 and 2016, another 3rd in the Frankfurt Major and 3rd-4th spot in the Boston Major were other notable successes. In total, EG have earned $13,618,987, which makes them the team with the highest earnings in the history of Dota 2.
The Boys
One of the reasons behind the team’s success is that the roster has been largely stable over the last three years, with EG having been able to retain a core group of players.
The current line-up was formed in September 2016 and includes:

A versatile player who has also played as an offlaner, zai is currently a world class position 4 player. His successful background in Heroes of Newerth helped his transition to Dota in 2013 alongside former teammate ppd. The two of them fit together nicely at Stay Free and Super Strong Dinosaurs, but it was at S A D B O Y S where the two of them made their first real impression on the Dota 2 scene. This brought them to the attention of EG, who picked up S A D B O Y S in February 2014. Zai’s personality also enables him to assimilate easily with any team as he is known as a quiet and easy-going player. Apart from his versatility, EG benefit greatly from his wide hero pool. Generally preferring to farm, his roaming skills make him a great ganker as well.

UNiVeRsE is recognized as one of the best players in the world in his position. Even top offlaners such as Faith_Bian have said he is the player to whom they aspire. A conservative participant, his playstyle is often more farming and goal orientated. He can rarely be seen doing flashy plays or taking unnecessary risks, but nonetheless his impact is significant. Not known for having a particularly wide pool, UNiVeRsE demonstrates top play with the heroes he is given. The player with the longest history at EG in the current squad, having joined in 2012, he had a brief disappointing flirt with Team Secret last year. In his own words that experience taught him that gathering five great players together does not necessarily make a great team.

The prodigal son left the team where he made his name twice in favour of Team Secret, before returning for a third time in September 2016. He started his career in the mid role, but transitioned into carry and of course can play both. He has a cult following and although often flamed by fans, he is in no less degree loved by them too. Arteezy is a creative and explosive player with a strong map awareness. He is also capable of flashy moves, complemented by versatility and a large hero pool. Usually a player that the fans look up to, it has been a while since he has provided any eye candy moves, but he has been playing a lot of farming cores such as Lone Druid recently and these heroes do not provide much room for that.

Cr1t- arrived at EG last September having to fill the big shoes of former captain ppd. Proving the doubters wrong, Cr1t- fit right into the team and EG are as strong as ever under his captaincy. Unlike his predecessor, Cr1t- tends to be more open to ideas from his teammates during the drafting phase and in-game shot calling, meaning the team now take decisions collectively.
Before arriving at EG, Cr1t- stepped onto the big stage with OG, where he played as a position 4 support. Few can rival his tournament winning Earth Spirit, although now he plays his signature hero far less often than he did previously. He is equally impressive on Io and Rubick.

EG hit the jackpot by signing SumaiL in 2015 as over the course of two years the now 18-year-old developed into one of the best mid players in the game. Struggling initially, SumaiL is now a nightmare for every pro player out there. The Pakistani almost always wins his lane and prefers playmaking heroes such as Shadow Fiend. Naturally preferring to fight rather than farm, SumaiL has also made a name for himself as a comeback player, regardless of how far behind enemy gankers have put him. SumaiL has never played for any other professional team and by the looks of it, he won’t any time soon.
Heroes of the past (and indeed present)
Although not playing currently, the presence of these two is still very strongly felt within the team.

Now a coach, Fear is one of the most respected personalities in Dota 2. He has been with EG longer than any other player out there (2011-16) and has been a key figure in the team’s success in that period. He hung up his mouse and keyboard in 2016 to make way for new talent. A coach is a role that naturally suits him as he has a reputation for being able to bring out the best in his teammates. Nurturing and helping SumaiL in his first steps at EG is another important contribution with which he is credited. Now his duties include helping out with drafts and strategies.

The former captain is still in charge – as CEO of the now player-owned EG Dota 2 team. He was one of the players who brought EG to where they are now and alongside Fear has been the key figure behind their progress. As a player, he was not renowned as being extremely mechanically skilled, but he certainly will be remembered as one of the greatest strategists in the game, able to outpick anyone.
Many teams aspire to be like EG, both in terms of team play and organization. The level of consistency the team have demonstrated over the last few years is remarkable. Despite the star-laden roster, the team’s underlying success is not only down to the high skill level of the players, but also to the preservation of a core group, as well as the atmosphere and the legacy generated by previous generations.